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5 Tips for losing and burning belly fat

How many of us are actually satisfied with what your belly looks like? Not much I think. Who does not want a nicer or tighter stomach? A tight belly with visible abdominal muscles has always been an icon of good health and attractive body.

Every year there are countless new diets on the market and the truth is that only 1 in 100 are successful in permanently losing the excess pounds. In addition, you certainly also have all kinds of devices and methods that promise abs.

The goal of losing belly fat is certainly an excellent goal, especially because a reduction in abdominal fat guarantees a better health. In this article I want to give you some steps to get rid of excess fat around the belly.


For years it was thought that tight abs is only reserved for people with good genes or people who spend hours in the gym. I myself know how long it took to get visible abdominal muscles. I was always fit, but I did not seem to get any visible abdominal muscles. I did hundreds of sit-ups a day and paid close attention to my diet, but still no visible abdominal muscles.

Fortunately, it does not have to be that way and with a few new proven techniques you can quickly burn your belly fat and even develop visible abdominal muscles. It is more than just a calorie-restricted diet, a low-fat diet or thousands of sit-ups. But before I give you some tips to take the right steps today, first I want to talk about the risks of too much belly fat.

The danger of belly fat

too much belly fatIf I look at the literature and indicators for disorders, excessive abdominal fat is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. That is why you can say that the circumference of your stomach is a big indicator of your overall health. If the circumference is out of proportion, that means. that you run an increased risk of a variety of conditions.

A marginal note I want to make is that even thin people can have too much belly fat. Excess fat can also be deep in the abdomen, making it initially invisible. When do you have too much belly fat, simply when your figure looks like a pear shape.

The big problem here is that the fat in the abdomen can be converted much faster into fatty acids, which then ends up in the liver and muscles. When these fatty acids end up in the liver an interaction arises in which the production of LDL cholesterol (bad) is increased and the so-called triglycerides increase.

It then becomes more difficult for your body to control blood sugar levels, which can eventually lead to insulin resistance. This can eventually lead to various disorders and that is also called a metabolic syndrome (you have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and increased risk of cardiovascular disease).

Finally, there are studies that belly fat can also cause libido problems, or even erectile dysfunction! Losing excess belly fat not only increases your attractiveness, but more importantly, it improves your health!

Man versus woman

It is a fact that men store fat more easily around the stomach than women. This process takes place at a young age and is visible in practice through the so-called typical beer belly. This can also be one of the reasons why cardiovascular disease generally occurs more often in men than women and that women generally age a few years. With a woman the excess fats are stored around the seat and the thighs.

These places are not directly linked to serious long-term disorders. However, after the menopause, it appears that fat is also stored in the abdomen for women. In short, too much belly fat is a serious indicator that you run an increased risk of various complaints. But what can you do?

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