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Weight Losses with Proteins

Do you want to lose weight and are you tired of following diets where carbohydrates and sugars take the upper hand? And do you want to avoid a 'yo-yo effect' at all costs? Then the protein diet (or protein diet) might be the waste technique par excellence for you. For 30 years, losing weight with whey protein has been a scientifically proven method that works effectively. See for example Erica Terpstra , she lost no less than forty kilograms thanks to a protein diet.

What is a protein diet?

The basic idea behind the protein diet is that carbohydrates cause shocks in your blood sugar level. Due to these fluctuations, the production of fat is stimulated. Especially sugars and carbohydrates such as rice and pasta are a danger. You eat too much of these fat makers.
The main goal of the protein diet is the reduction of carbohydrate intake and an increase in proteins or proteins that burn fat without consuming your muscle mass. Fish, meat and eggs form the basis of every meal in this diet. On the other hand, bread, potatoes, sugars, rice and alcohol are absolutely forbidden .

What makes weight loss with protein such an effective diet technique?

The sugar level remains in balance

By incorporating proteins into your body, large fluctuations in blood sugar levels become more stable. People with diabetes or hypoglycaemia can certainly benefit from this: by applying the diet in a moderate way and for a longer period of time, the inconveniences associated with these diseases can diminish.

Losing kilos quickly

In a relatively short time, you lose more than a few kilos with the protein diet, as with some other diets. Of course you have to keep in mind that you lose a lot of fluid and this is the largest part of the lost kilos. For people who hold too much moisture, the protein diet is therefore recommended.

Building up your muscle mass

You hear a lot, people who want to have a lot of muscle are going to take in a lot of proteins. Do you want to build muscle mass? Then with this diet you are certainly a step further in the right direction. The diet causes you to lose pounds, without reducing your muscle mass. Proteins are the building blocks of the muscles in your body.

What should you keep an eye on with this diet?

When you follow a protein diet in an extreme way, you have a chance of over-consumption of cholesterol. Do not eat too many carbs, but try to find a good middle way. This is of great importance for your brain, because these are kept alive by glucose. Follow a protein diet to lose weight in a good way, but not too long and too extreme! It is best to first apply it very seriously and then continue to build with a variant, where you can and can eat carbohydrates and in which you absorb proteins in a more moderate way. An example of a good "middle" diet is the Dukan diet .

Benefits of losing weight with protein

How often do you hear that people fall back to their former weight after following their diet? You can avoid such a yo-yo effect with a protein diet: most people keep their target weight. The reason for this is that the diet is easy to maintain, even for those who want to give up quickly.
Besides the fact that the diet is easy to maintain, it is also doubly effective. Each of us has a kind of reserve jar of fat that is used in the protein diet. By following the specific meals, the drainage of carbohydrates and consequently fats is reduced or even stopped. This causes the body to burn fat. And because you have enough energy thanks to the ketones , you do not get any hunger.

Disadvantages of a protein diet

One disadvantage is linked to the protein diet: bad breath due to the formation of the ketones. This is terribly annoying, because stinking from your mouth is an absolute no-go. Fortunately, there are products that remedy this. Green tea-based tablets work directly on the volatile parts that cause bad breath. Unlike other products that only hide the odor, the problem is addressed at source and does not contain carbohydrates that ruin the diet.

What should and should you (not) eat with a protein diet?

Breakfast with a protein diet is very different from its normal variant. The bread and fruit juice that you normally eat every morning are now prohibited. But fortunately you can still enjoy a good plate of bacon with eggs. You can still eat your favorite burger - especially the one with cheese, but without the bread! In the evening you can eat a salad with fish or meat, but rice, potatoes and pasta can be better left out.
What can you eat?

  • Shellfish
  • Fish
  • Meat
  • Dairy products and eggs
  • Cheese
  • Salads
  • Vegetables
  • Protein shakes with accompanying supplements

What can not you eat?

  • Potatoes, rice, pasta, bread and tarli
  • Sugars and chocolate
  • Alcohol
  • Sweet fruits and fruit juices
Given the effectiveness and simplicity on which the protein diet is based, it is certainly a recommended diet to use as waste technology. Are you someone who gives up quickly? Thanks to its hunger-stimulating effect, you can maintain the protein diet absolutely long enough to get rid of those excess pounds.

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