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8 tips for thinner or slim your legs

1.The gym is your best friend for slender legs

If you have one or two fitness machines at home, a gym membership is not necessarily required. Nevertheless, a fitness center can give you the support you need for slimming your legsIf you have been a few times, you will see that it is very nice and that you can already see results in a relatively short period of time.
Take a look at this specialized "leg muscles page" of Sportkrachtfitness.nl. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for 13 good leg muscle exercises, at home and in the gym (leg press, leg curl, leg extension, leg adductor etc.)! There are illustrations, so you get a clear picture of the exact posture, movement and execution of each leg muscle exercise!

2.Slowly build up strength & cardio for thinner legs

The human body can not be modeled as clay; it is set to slow changes. Nonetheless, there are many people who over-enthusiastically start to (excessively) train their legs for lean thighs and nicer leg muscles. They will do that job for a while ...
In a short time, endurance sports and strength training will be done as intensively as possible. One exhausts himself completely, sees no result despite the intensive effort and - out of disappointment & frustration - quickly stops. By overloading your leg muscles from one moment to the next, you will never get beautiful, slender legs.
Let your legs gradually get used to tax. Start jogging a few kilometers at a leisurely pace 2 to 3 times per week and a few sets of leg muscle exercises once or twice a week. Your endurance and strength will slowly but surely increase. You also have to expand and increase your fitness plan little by little. Extend distances by one kilometer every week ... Add 0.5 to 1 kg every week ... Increase the resistances a bit each day ... Add a few reps every day ... And always keep a few minutes longer.

3.Grab all the movement you can get for slender legs

Half an hour per week on the crosstrainer does not put a lot of effort on the dike for leaner or thinner legsYou will have to use your leg muscles several times a week, preferably intensively, prolonged and with resistance. Keep in mind that every use of your leg muscles is well taken care of. Stairs, walking, skipping, bending, squatting, kneeling and so on.
So during the day you can do a lot to train your leg muscles. Stretch your lower legs 20 times in front of you when you're waiting for the bus. Jump rope for 10 minutes during your lunch break. Always take the stairs instead of the elevator. Bridge small distances on foot and moderate distances to cycle. Preferably walk hilly routes. Buy a pair of skates. Bike back home as soon as possible. Etc. etc. etc.

4.For slim legs, apply variation in leg muscle exercises

Three times a week when a hamster in a carousel runs the lungs out of your body on a treadmill - in the hope that it will soon be over again - does not, of course, have a motivating effect. It is therefore important that you do something for thinner legs what you like and also provide sufficient variety.
Variation keeps the training of slim legs fun. Variation creates a certain amount of tension, challenge, fun & motivation. Also sports with others can - because of the social aspect - work very motivating. Especially within gyms all kinds of group trainings are given with a big "fun factor" such as Tai Bo, Zumba, pilates, spinning, street dance, yoga and so on . Exciting music usually also contributes to the experience and effectiveness of your leg training.
Variation and pleasure are not only ideal to stay motivated, but also crucial for effective fat burning and muscle building. After all, the more variation, the more different muscles you use and the more calories from fat reserves you burn.

5.Be patient if you want to achieve thinner legs

If you still have thick thighs, then you should remain calm, patient and positive, even if it is against it. It is especially important to keep an eye on your long-term goals. Do not stop exercising if you do not see your leg muscle exercises anymore. And do not immerse yourself in unhealthy food!
If you get demotivated quickly, this is a handy tip ... Do 3 and a half hours a week of cardio and strength training while listening to music or watching a movie or television series. You will see that it feels no effort to bring about slender legs as soon as you are genuinely interested in moving. In fact, you will now look forward to your sports nights and have a mountain of energy left over!

6:Use heavy weights for slender thighs

Do not be too soft for your leg muscles when it comes to strength sports. Your upper legs contain a large muscle mass that can be loaded relatively heavily. Do you use a 'leg press machine', 'leg curl machine' or 'adductor machine'? Then use enough weight and resistance. If your leg muscle exercises are too light, they have too little impact on your leg muscles and therefore little use for training thin legs. Muscle pain caused by acidification means that you are doing well!
Power sports is about strength; endurance is about time duration. If you can sustain strength sport for a long time, it is time to add more weight and resistance! As a woman you will not really get muscular men's legs because of heavy weights and high resistances. Your muscles become long and athletic, creating beautiful, slim contours.

7.Use angles of inclination for thinner legs

Ramps are ideal if you have thick thighs. Thanks to hills, stairs and fitness equipment where you can set the angle, you can very specifically train your upper legs. Ramps make a cardio exercise heavy, so there is a power aspect involved. Jogging in a hilly landscape, stepping on a stair stepper or walking up and down stairs as fast as possible helps to achieve efficiently leaner legs! If you have been pedaling intensively for a couple of weeks, you will notice that you sustain it once every week.

8.The right nutrition for slim, thin & thin thighs

If you want to achieve slim lower & upper legs, you should not go on a strict diet. The fat on your legs will never disappear if you systematically starve yourself. What helps is healthy, varied, balanced and sufficient, but moderate food!
Eating healthy does not mean little food. For nice & slim legs you just have to get the necessary nutrients. Especially essential proteins are important in training thinner legs. In addition, you need enough essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, trace elements and dietary fiber to get beautiful, slender legs. These are the things you should eat regularly if you want thinner legs:
  • Fish (both fat and lean)
  • Vegetables (beans, green leafy vegetables, broccoli and others)
  • Whole grains (wholemeal bread, wholemeal paste, brown rice and others)
  • Fruit (banana, apple, kiwi, watermelon and others)
  • Nuts & seeds
  • Seaweed & mushrooms
  • Lean meat
  • Eggs (average 0.5 per day)
  • Skinny cottage cheese
In addition, drink plenty of water and tea to ensure optimal removal of waste from your thighs and cellulite. Drink preferably small amounts of water throughout the day!


If you combine exercise and leg muscle exercises with a protein-rich diet, you will have visibly thinner legs within 5 to 6 weeks! Before starting with a measuring tape, measure the circumference of your thigh, lower leg and ankle and note them on a piece of paper. Then measure your lower and upper legs every week. You will see that your legs are continuously slimmer and tighter! For me, the leg muscle exercises in any case worked fantastically ...
Have you already put the above 8 tips for thinner legs and the weight loss of your thighs into practice?  You may interesting more about this please click at here.


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