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The 10 Best Ways for Weight Loss and Weight Loss

The list below with the top 10 methods to lose weight is the result of independent research into the effectiveness of different waste methods. Because we operate in the middle of the field of waste, we think we have a good idea of ​​which methods work well and which do not. Based on this, we have compiled a number of basic principles that are universal. 
The list below is basically not arranged according to effectiveness. A method lower on the list can work just as well for you as a method higher on the list. The methods can of course be combined (and we certainly recommend this).

1. Write down what you eat - do not eliminate essential intake

write down
This sounds simple and that is it. Write down what you take every day. What are you willing to delete? Start with that. You will see that you often eat out of boredom or bad motivation. Check out the snacks. These can rise sharply over the day and thereby contribute to an excess of calories per day.
When you have a good overview of what you take every day, you often immediately catch the cause of the extra kilos. In addition, it is a good start to start your waste process. On the basis of the list you can make a plan and after a few weeks much better for the day. It is also possible that you eat wrongly over the day. You can not get a feeling of hunger with better food because of better timing. Like later breakfast and lunch and / or dine at an earlier time.

2. Pay attention to bad carbohydrates

What you see coming back with most diets is an agreement about the following: industrially produced carbohydrates are bad for your weight. As it was named in the Atkins diet in the 70s to the Paleo diet  on the day of today - in fact they say the same thing in this area but always in a renewed packaging. The notion that "refined carbohydrates" are very bad is also supported by scientific research.
bad carbohydratesLeave industrially processed carbohydrates for a while, such as: 
- White Rice 
- White Bread 
- Pasta 
- Chips 
- Maize products 
- Soft drinks 
- All Fast food (burgers, fries)
More natural carbohydrates (slow carbs) that contain fiber, such as green vegetables, brown bread and non-woven rice, are, to a limited extent, good to take in during your waste period. Just do not take too much.

3. Pay attention to bad fats

Just like with the carbohydrates, you can also make a distinction between good (unsaturated) fats and bad (saturated) fats. So leave the saturated fats and focus on the unsaturated fats to get your daily nutrients and have no hunger.
Most refined bad fats come from industrial processing of food. 
Products that contain bad fats include:
bad fats
- Pastry and Cookies 
- Full Cheese 
- Sausages 
- Salty Snacks 
- All Fast Food (burgers, fries)
Food with good unsaturated fats can be simply eaten and even healthy. The good fats are found in products such as (organic) meat and fish, nuts and eggs. Furthermore, you can of course just eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible, but all potato products are not recommended.

4. Eat as naturally as possible

A thousand years ago (and until recently) overweight was fairly rare. The enormously high number of overweight people today goes hand in hand with the rise of industrially processed food. From the use of fructose, the ubiquity of fast food or the use of microwave meals; a lot of food you eat has come about in a factory and not in nature. This has had some advantages, because more people can be fed, but it is not very healthy. In order to get rid of your excess weight, it is advisable to go back to your "roots" and eat more naturally produced food.
biological foodLook at your regular food pattern. What do you eat and what substances are in it? There is much to be said for the return of the traditional (organic) greengrocer, baker, butcher, cheese farmer and grocer. The food that you can see as "natural" or ecologically responsible is usually also grown locally. This ensures that the food is much fresher on sale than other food that comes from afar and needs to be frozen. So try to take food every day that is in any case directly traceable back to nature. This is not always easy, and perhaps a little more expensive, but it is also much healthier.
Think for example (all organic):
- Vegetables (except potatoes, corn and pods) 
- Fruit 
- Meat and fish 
- Nuts and seeds 
- Eggs 
- Natural milk products and cheese
In this context it is also important that, for example, the meat is grass-fed cattle and these are not fed by corn. Corn contains fructose and that is a huge fattener.
If you think about it logically, then it is true: the natural food mentioned is the food that people have lived on for years and years and have grown up on. Our bodies are organic machines that work best on this food. A good starting point for a naturally healthy diet is for example the The 7 × 7 Slimming Method  or the Low Carbohydrate 50 Days Program .

5. Moving always helps

hikingA healthy and slender body is inherently associated with sufficient daily exercise. However modest, some movement is always better than no movement. So if you have a sitting routine (perhaps because of your work), try to bring in more exercise. Cycle to work instead of grabbing the car, or do your message once per foot. Everything helps for weight loss.
Keep it simple at any rate. What often happens is that people who are overweight like crazy go to the gym. In 90% of the cases, you will see that too much fitness quickly prevents them from doing so and that the motivation to lose weight does not change. It is better to gradually bring more exercise into your routines. When you walk a little bit every day, cycle and / or sport while you did not do that at first, you will always lose more weight than before.
If you find it difficult to start this then the help of a dietitian is recommended. They can give support and sometimes force you to move. This ensures that you break through your own boundaries and ultimately have a healthier body.
Also very good help are so-called training programs. The quality of these types of programs that are offered runs from very good to very good. So check this out well. An excellent program with many practical workouts that is currently very successful is The FIT Method . The positive thing about this program is that the exercises are simple and you can simply do them at home.

6. Get sufficient supplements

When you lose weight, you may feel de-motivated or depressed. This may be because you now have to miss certain foods and substances that you normally get. Sometimes there are simply addiction symptoms, such as stopping fast food. Fastfood gives you a lot of (bad) fats and carbohydrates to which your body has become accustomed.supplements
Like smoking, quitting is much healthier, but your body nevertheless protests because it has become accustomed to the excessive nutrients. This can also have strong psychological effects, so you may be tempted to fall back into the old patterns.
Do not do this and avoid this by taking good supplements. Make sure you get enough omega 3, omega 6, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B. Fish oil is very good. You can always buy these supplements from your nearby drug store. We also find the online shops recommended if you are serious about losing weight.

7. Make a good planning for yourself

Good planning is a solid start for a waste project. Write down your target weight and how much time you want to take to achieve this. In order to arrive at a realistic planning, professional help may be required, but you can also read this yourself about realistic weight loss. Our experience is that people who make serious plans to lose weight are 5 times as likely to succeed than those who do not. This also has to do with the question: how much do you want it?schedule
Let's say in any case that (healthy) 20 kg lose weight in a week is impossible, but that 5 kg in 3 months is too little ambitious if you have 30 kg overweight, for example. There must also be some ambition and want to lose weight.
First make a long-term planning (like 6 months ahead) and then make a classification per month, per week and per day. By making the steps small you can celebrate your successes more easily and stay motivated. Connect planning to food intake and the type of food you take. It is also advisable to plan your exercise and activities (such as sports) on fixed days. You must keep going, no matter what happens. Renunciation is not an option.
If you are afraid that you do not trust yourself, you can "punish" on not achieving your targets in the planning. For example, give a family member or friend a sum of money. They then pay a part of the amount of money to you each time you reach a target, but keep this if you renounce. Of course there are also other similar designs to come up with.

8. Get the support of your social environment

When you try to reduce your weight, it is not convenient and even demotivating if your immediate environment just keeps the diet. If your whole family is overweight then it is fairly easy to agree on a joint waste method (and program). But what if you are the only one?social support
So be clear in your communication to your social environment. You are going to lose weight. Do it for yourself and not for what others say. This also applies to people who want to stop you because they feel "too fat". Try to explain why you want to lose weight and what your goal is. You will see that most people become enthusiastic and perhaps even want to participate.
Whether you are going to lose weight together is also your own choice. On the one hand it is nice that you do it together, but if there is one person in the group is going to renounce, then there is the chance that this person pulls the rest in it. So keep your own goal in mind at all times and do not let yourself be influenced too much by what others do. You can of course also join a website or community for weight loss , where everyone wants to lose weight. If one person does not participate then there are still enough others who can support you.

9. Get help from a professional dietitian or program

Of course you can do weight loss yourself. But it is often more fun to lose weight if you know that you are supported and there is a nutritionisttight program. The human being is now just that they want to achieve goals that are set. The experience is that people who lose weight with a dietician or program more often reach their target weight than those who do not.
The great advantage of a dietician is that he has professional knowledge about nutrients and eating patterns. You can of course choose this yourself, but you can be sure that a dietitian has more experience with losing weight than yourself.
A professional program basically does the same as a dietitian, but often in groups. The contact is also often online (over the internet). It is therefore up to your own preferences which form of support you prefer.

10. Adjust the waste method to your physical condition and circumstances

Just as beauty is subjective, there is no "our size fits all" method for weight loss. So first stand in front of the mirror and learn to accept what you see. Sometimes it is just a matter of self-image. And you also know that all advertising with models you see are the result of accurately edited photos. It is therefore important to have a real picture of yourself. After you have done that, and still have body parts where you want to lose weight, you will see that you become so much stronger in your motivation. Because you know what beauty is. And if you operate from strength, every method is so much easier.
cheerfulIt could also be that due to certain circumstances you have to have an adapted diet. It is possible that you have diabetes so that you can not follow the standard waste methods properly. Or you are allergic to gluten. Or you can not move because of an injury. And so on. Obviously, always take this circumstance into the method that you are going to start and do not take the diets indiscriminately. It is important that you always consult your doctor if your condition is bad.
That said, the best method to lose weight is your own motivation and will. So know why you do it. Not for others, but because you just want to look fresh, slim and beautiful! This makes weight loss effective and fun.
If you are interested in a program in which the above points are combined successfully, get our cookbook  full of delicious slimming recipes in-house today!


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