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8 tips for thinner or slim your legs

1.The gym is your best friend for slender legs

If you have one or two fitness machines at home, a gym membership is not necessarily required. Nevertheless, a fitness center can give you the support you need for slimming your legsIf you have been a few times, you will see that it is very nice and that you can already see results in a relatively short period of time.
Take a look at this specialized "leg muscles page" of Sportkrachtfitness.nl. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for 13 good leg muscle exercises, at home and in the gym (leg press, leg curl, leg extension, leg adductor etc.)! There are illustrations, so you get a clear picture of the exact posture, movement and execution of each leg muscle exercise!

2.Slowly build up strength & cardio for thinner legs

The human body can not be modeled as clay; it is set to slow changes. Nonetheless, there are many people who over-enthusiastically start to (excessively) train their legs for lean thighs and nicer leg muscles. They will do that job for a while ...
In a short time, endurance sports and strength training will be done as intensively as possible. One exhausts himself completely, sees no result despite the intensive effort and - out of disappointment & frustration - quickly stops. By overloading your leg muscles from one moment to the next, you will never get beautiful, slender legs.
Let your legs gradually get used to tax. Start jogging a few kilometers at a leisurely pace 2 to 3 times per week and a few sets of leg muscle exercises once or twice a week. Your endurance and strength will slowly but surely increase. You also have to expand and increase your fitness plan little by little. Extend distances by one kilometer every week ... Add 0.5 to 1 kg every week ... Increase the resistances a bit each day ... Add a few reps every day ... And always keep a few minutes longer.

3.Grab all the movement you can get for slender legs

Half an hour per week on the crosstrainer does not put a lot of effort on the dike for leaner or thinner legsYou will have to use your leg muscles several times a week, preferably intensively, prolonged and with resistance. Keep in mind that every use of your leg muscles is well taken care of. Stairs, walking, skipping, bending, squatting, kneeling and so on.
So during the day you can do a lot to train your leg muscles. Stretch your lower legs 20 times in front of you when you're waiting for the bus. Jump rope for 10 minutes during your lunch break. Always take the stairs instead of the elevator. Bridge small distances on foot and moderate distances to cycle. Preferably walk hilly routes. Buy a pair of skates. Bike back home as soon as possible. Etc. etc. etc.

4.For slim legs, apply variation in leg muscle exercises

Three times a week when a hamster in a carousel runs the lungs out of your body on a treadmill - in the hope that it will soon be over again - does not, of course, have a motivating effect. It is therefore important that you do something for thinner legs what you like and also provide sufficient variety.
Variation keeps the training of slim legs fun. Variation creates a certain amount of tension, challenge, fun & motivation. Also sports with others can - because of the social aspect - work very motivating. Especially within gyms all kinds of group trainings are given with a big "fun factor" such as Tai Bo, Zumba, pilates, spinning, street dance, yoga and so on . Exciting music usually also contributes to the experience and effectiveness of your leg training.
Variation and pleasure are not only ideal to stay motivated, but also crucial for effective fat burning and muscle building. After all, the more variation, the more different muscles you use and the more calories from fat reserves you burn.

5.Be patient if you want to achieve thinner legs

If you still have thick thighs, then you should remain calm, patient and positive, even if it is against it. It is especially important to keep an eye on your long-term goals. Do not stop exercising if you do not see your leg muscle exercises anymore. And do not immerse yourself in unhealthy food!
If you get demotivated quickly, this is a handy tip ... Do 3 and a half hours a week of cardio and strength training while listening to music or watching a movie or television series. You will see that it feels no effort to bring about slender legs as soon as you are genuinely interested in moving. In fact, you will now look forward to your sports nights and have a mountain of energy left over!

6:Use heavy weights for slender thighs

Do not be too soft for your leg muscles when it comes to strength sports. Your upper legs contain a large muscle mass that can be loaded relatively heavily. Do you use a 'leg press machine', 'leg curl machine' or 'adductor machine'? Then use enough weight and resistance. If your leg muscle exercises are too light, they have too little impact on your leg muscles and therefore little use for training thin legs. Muscle pain caused by acidification means that you are doing well!
Power sports is about strength; endurance is about time duration. If you can sustain strength sport for a long time, it is time to add more weight and resistance! As a woman you will not really get muscular men's legs because of heavy weights and high resistances. Your muscles become long and athletic, creating beautiful, slim contours.

7.Use angles of inclination for thinner legs

Ramps are ideal if you have thick thighs. Thanks to hills, stairs and fitness equipment where you can set the angle, you can very specifically train your upper legs. Ramps make a cardio exercise heavy, so there is a power aspect involved. Jogging in a hilly landscape, stepping on a stair stepper or walking up and down stairs as fast as possible helps to achieve efficiently leaner legs! If you have been pedaling intensively for a couple of weeks, you will notice that you sustain it once every week.

8.The right nutrition for slim, thin & thin thighs

If you want to achieve slim lower & upper legs, you should not go on a strict diet. The fat on your legs will never disappear if you systematically starve yourself. What helps is healthy, varied, balanced and sufficient, but moderate food!
Eating healthy does not mean little food. For nice & slim legs you just have to get the necessary nutrients. Especially essential proteins are important in training thinner legs. In addition, you need enough essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, trace elements and dietary fiber to get beautiful, slender legs. These are the things you should eat regularly if you want thinner legs:
  • Fish (both fat and lean)
  • Vegetables (beans, green leafy vegetables, broccoli and others)
  • Whole grains (wholemeal bread, wholemeal paste, brown rice and others)
  • Fruit (banana, apple, kiwi, watermelon and others)
  • Nuts & seeds
  • Seaweed & mushrooms
  • Lean meat
  • Eggs (average 0.5 per day)
  • Skinny cottage cheese
In addition, drink plenty of water and tea to ensure optimal removal of waste from your thighs and cellulite. Drink preferably small amounts of water throughout the day!


If you combine exercise and leg muscle exercises with a protein-rich diet, you will have visibly thinner legs within 5 to 6 weeks! Before starting with a measuring tape, measure the circumference of your thigh, lower leg and ankle and note them on a piece of paper. Then measure your lower and upper legs every week. You will see that your legs are continuously slimmer and tighter! For me, the leg muscle exercises in any case worked fantastically ...
Have you already put the above 8 tips for thinner legs and the weight loss of your thighs into practice?  You may interesting more about this please click at here.

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Weight Losses with Proteins

Do you want to lose weight and are you tired of following diets where carbohydrates and sugars take the upper hand? And do you want to avoid a 'yo-yo effect' at all costs? Then the protein diet (or protein diet) might be the waste technique par excellence for you. For 30 years, losing weight with whey protein has been a scientifically proven method that works effectively. See for example Erica Terpstra , she lost no less than forty kilograms thanks to a protein diet.

What is a protein diet?

The basic idea behind the protein diet is that carbohydrates cause shocks in your blood sugar level. Due to these fluctuations, the production of fat is stimulated. Especially sugars and carbohydrates such as rice and pasta are a danger. You eat too much of these fat makers.
The main goal of the protein diet is the reduction of carbohydrate intake and an increase in proteins or proteins that burn fat without consuming your muscle mass. Fish, meat and eggs form the basis of every meal in this diet. On the other hand, bread, potatoes, sugars, rice and alcohol are absolutely forbidden .

What makes weight loss with protein such an effective diet technique?

The sugar level remains in balance

By incorporating proteins into your body, large fluctuations in blood sugar levels become more stable. People with diabetes or hypoglycaemia can certainly benefit from this: by applying the diet in a moderate way and for a longer period of time, the inconveniences associated with these diseases can diminish.

Losing kilos quickly

In a relatively short time, you lose more than a few kilos with the protein diet, as with some other diets. Of course you have to keep in mind that you lose a lot of fluid and this is the largest part of the lost kilos. For people who hold too much moisture, the protein diet is therefore recommended.

Building up your muscle mass

You hear a lot, people who want to have a lot of muscle are going to take in a lot of proteins. Do you want to build muscle mass? Then with this diet you are certainly a step further in the right direction. The diet causes you to lose pounds, without reducing your muscle mass. Proteins are the building blocks of the muscles in your body.

What should you keep an eye on with this diet?

When you follow a protein diet in an extreme way, you have a chance of over-consumption of cholesterol. Do not eat too many carbs, but try to find a good middle way. This is of great importance for your brain, because these are kept alive by glucose. Follow a protein diet to lose weight in a good way, but not too long and too extreme! It is best to first apply it very seriously and then continue to build with a variant, where you can and can eat carbohydrates and in which you absorb proteins in a more moderate way. An example of a good "middle" diet is the Dukan diet .

Benefits of losing weight with protein

How often do you hear that people fall back to their former weight after following their diet? You can avoid such a yo-yo effect with a protein diet: most people keep their target weight. The reason for this is that the diet is easy to maintain, even for those who want to give up quickly.
Besides the fact that the diet is easy to maintain, it is also doubly effective. Each of us has a kind of reserve jar of fat that is used in the protein diet. By following the specific meals, the drainage of carbohydrates and consequently fats is reduced or even stopped. This causes the body to burn fat. And because you have enough energy thanks to the ketones , you do not get any hunger.

Disadvantages of a protein diet

One disadvantage is linked to the protein diet: bad breath due to the formation of the ketones. This is terribly annoying, because stinking from your mouth is an absolute no-go. Fortunately, there are products that remedy this. Green tea-based tablets work directly on the volatile parts that cause bad breath. Unlike other products that only hide the odor, the problem is addressed at source and does not contain carbohydrates that ruin the diet.

What should and should you (not) eat with a protein diet?

Breakfast with a protein diet is very different from its normal variant. The bread and fruit juice that you normally eat every morning are now prohibited. But fortunately you can still enjoy a good plate of bacon with eggs. You can still eat your favorite burger - especially the one with cheese, but without the bread! In the evening you can eat a salad with fish or meat, but rice, potatoes and pasta can be better left out.
What can you eat?

  • Shellfish
  • Fish
  • Meat
  • Dairy products and eggs
  • Cheese
  • Salads
  • Vegetables
  • Protein shakes with accompanying supplements

What can not you eat?

  • Potatoes, rice, pasta, bread and tarli
  • Sugars and chocolate
  • Alcohol
  • Sweet fruits and fruit juices
Given the effectiveness and simplicity on which the protein diet is based, it is certainly a recommended diet to use as waste technology. Are you someone who gives up quickly? Thanks to its hunger-stimulating effect, you can maintain the protein diet absolutely long enough to get rid of those excess pounds.

Is recommend you to get more helpful informations and knowledge. Please click at here.

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10 Tips for Fast Slimming

Losing weight is a tough fight for many. And you are flooded with information by all the different products, diets and possibilities. However, weight loss starts with yourself. Products help with effective weight loss, but after that you should also keep it up to date. In this article 10 tips to quickly and permanently slimming.


Fast Fallout3
It sounds cliché but moving is still a great method to burn excess kilos. Build up the activities well and do not go immediately like crazy sports. Start with 20 minutes a day actively be engaged. Those who are not very sporty can start walking or cycling. If you want to exercise more intensively, the gym is a good option. Moving is always possible and despite the crowds, you might be able to go to work by bike or take the stairs instead of the lift.

Bring regularity into your life

Our body burns food as soon as we are active. By eating regularly, you prevent your body from retaining fluid unnecessarily. Develop a daily diet, where you eat at regular intervals so that your body can get used to it. Digestion works worse when we are inactive. Do not eat too much before you go to sleep, because this is not broken down, but stored in the body.

Wonder water

Drinking ensures the purification of the body, but also has a different effect. Fast weight loss is possible if you drink enough. No coffee, tea or alcohol, because they extract moisture from your body. You can drink the best water. Take at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. This is ultimately quite a lot and you will have to get used to taking this amount to you. Drinking also has another additional effect. It ensures that you feel full and therefore have less need for food.

Keep eating

Some people think they should eat as little as possible if they want to lose weight, but that is not true. It is important to keep eating. Even if you have not lost a lot or nothing at all, you should continue to eat. Digestion must remain active.

Out the door with seducers

Snacks and tasty things are often the hardest to resist. Junk food and sweets, cookies and chips are seducers that you will have to resist. These ensure that you do not waste. It is therefore wise to keep them out. As soon as you do not have them in the house, you can not just grab them quickly. If you still want to snack, make sure you have suitable substitutes.

Happy young lady eating fruit salad

Know what succeeds

If you want to lose weight, you also need to know what you're weighing. The scale is often the worst enemy when people lose weight, but without a starting weight you can not keep track of your progress. Anyone who wants to exercise has to take into account that fat is also converted into muscle mass, making it seem that you do not lose weight.

The rhythm of the alarm clock

Rapid weight loss, requires rhythm. A good sleep pattern ensures that the body gets used to solidity and therefore the digestive system will work better. Let go to bed and long sleep disturbed patterns in your body and ensure that the burning of fats goes slower.

Never give up

Losing weight is also continuing and not stopping. When losing weight, it never happens suddenly and with regularity. During weight loss, there will be peaks and valleys. Make sure you do not give up.

Shared smart

When losing weight, make sure that your environment supports you in your activities. Falling together often works best, because everyone is busy with the same thing. If you lose weight together, you can also support each other if we find it difficult.

Make a start

The biggest problem with weight loss is not starting. You start today and not in two weeks. This ensures that there is always a reason not to start. So start now!

How Fast 5 kgs Lose Weight

Overweight has become a major health problem of this day. Delicious restaurants and all that choice of all that challenging food in our overcrowded supermarkets, have ensured that this problem is becoming increasingly persistent in many adults and children. Reducing weight is therefore a necessary, challenging factor. If you are overweight, you may have to deal with health problems - such as diabetes or high blood pressure. So it is essential to get fit and quickly lose weight.
But it can also be time for people with less overweight to start losing weight, even if it was not just for a more beautiful figure. You may also want to lose 5 kg of weight quickly. Below are some steps that can help you quickly lose 5 kg. For more advice, read our article  10 Tips for Fast Slimming.
If you want to lose 5 kg of weight quickly, you must nevertheless take into account that can take up to 3 weeks. The more drastic you want to get rid of your weight, the harder it is to keep going and the sooner you are fat again. Important for losing weight is that you are going to change your way of life. Here are some suggestions below for you to help you lose 5kg weight in a healthy, responsible way.

Step 1 - Moving helps

When you want to lose weight it is important to move. It is important to watch your food and exercise as much as possible at the same time, otherwise it is much less effective. Start with walking. This is the most efficient exercise that burns calories. When you are ready, you can also run. Be careful because if you are overweight and do not walk a lot, suddenly moving can sometimes cause complications. So listen to your body and feel what you can and can not handle.

Step 2 - Eat carefully selected meals

A strong low calorie diet - or crash diet - is not recommended because this is not healthy for your body. Of course, those crash diets work, but they make sure that you look unhealthy, weak and with dark circles under your eyes. It is not optimal to lose weight and to feel like a zombie. In addition, the temptation is very strong to eat after a crash diet, so you will soon see the extra pounds appear again.
The best starting point to lose weight is to know what you eat. Proteins are your best friends when it comes to losing weight because your body stores protein less quickly. Your body makes use of what it needs from the proteins and thereby reduces the rest faster. Plus, your body also needs to use more calories to process proteins.

Step 3 - Tips & Tricks in your daily planning

Here are some practical tips with regard to food so you can quickly lose 5kg: 
• Eat when you are hungry. Why? Because your body will store fat if you do not respond to your hunger. 
• Eat carrot, orange, cucumber, tomato, lettuce, radish slices every time you are hungry 
• Eat two good meals a day because your body really needs it and you can keep your taste buds happy too. But, do not eat too much. Eat 1/4 of the amount, just enough to eliminate the appetite. 
• Avoid oily things. 
• Eat meals full of protein. Take meat, fish or protein-rich vegetables and grill, cook it or prepare it in the microwave and you have your low-fat protein-rich meal ready!
• Drink a lot of water. It stops the hunger, makes you feel full and flushes out toxins from your body. 
• Avoid drinking alcohol . Alcohol is a dangerous, sneaky source of fats / calories.
When you take these tips to heart, it must be possible within 3 weeks that you can lose 5 kg, and more importantly you will also lose this 5 kgs.
Fast Fall
In short, concentrate on nutritious food: lots of fruit and vegetables, lots of high-quality protein and a limited amount of whole grain and carbohydrates. Nuts, fruit and yogurt are good snacks for when you are hungry between meals. And especially drink water and if you want unsweetened tea, herbal tea. Do not drink soft drinks and do not eat sweets and junk food. Do not take out cakes / cookies / chips in your waste weeks and try to avoid all pre-packaged packaged foods. Try to take a brisk walk at least three or four times a week or do a more intensive sport such as swimming for one hour a week.
Any diet that promises that you can lose 5kg within a few days, will ensure that you will have the necessary pounds back soon after this rapid weight loss and sometimes even more kg have arrived. So choose the sensible way and fall off in a quiet way 5kg or more over the longer term.
NB. We would also like to refer you to our cookbook Abc-Paleo Cookbook - Fat-burning Chef By Abel James, which is specially formulated on the basis of the most effective waste methods. We guarantee that you will structurally lose your excess kilos with the recipes from our cookbook and that you can then keep your target weight.

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Get rid of those fat pads on your back

Do you want to get rid of those fat pads on your back? It is difficult, but certainly not impossible. With exercises and the right clothes you come a long way. 

Increase fat burning

If you want to start burning fat, it is important to move consistently. Strength training is especially important because you grow muscles and they are important to burn calories. Unfortunately, the fat on your back is not just gone, but you can train the back muscles and make them tighter and stronger. Once you have grown enough muscle tissue, your body will burn fat even if you do not move. Good sports for strong back muscles are swimming and kick boxing, but rowing machines and cross trainers are also great devices for the upper body. 
Nutrition is also important for fat burning. By eating regularly you bring the metabolism get started that then causes you to burn fat. Make sure that you consume unprocessed products, such as vegetables, fruit, wholemeal bread, brown rice and wholemeal pasta. These products contain dietary fiber and are more difficult to digest, so the body has to work extra hard.

Back exercises 

Choose a mix of cardio and different exercises that you can do at home to focus on different parts of your back. It is best to regularly change activity and exercise for the best result.
Cardio Cardio
training increases your heart rate and burns fat. Good cardio training is for example aerobics. Combine cardio with strength training as bench presses and weight lifting. It is advisable to do these strength exercises at least three times a week, in sets of fifteen times.
Yoga and PilatesYou can also 'attack' the fat on your back with yoga or pilates. The exercises help to strengthen the back muscles and also relieve stress.
Exercise 1 for home
Lie on your back on a mat and tighten your buttocks as if you want to hold a coin. Stretch your arms and legs. Lift your arms, shoulders and legs off the floor and hold for ten seconds. Lower everything again and repeat this exercise as often as possible in one minute.
Exercise 2 for home
Lie on your stomach on a mat. Keep your neck in line with your spine. Lift your feet, arms and chest off the ground. Go 'swim' by lifting your arms and legs higher and moving them back and forth. Hold it for one minute, rest for fifteen seconds and repeat the exercise.

Clothing tips

Vetrolletjes on your back that are visible through your clothes ... No need! There are enough solutions to camouflage back fat.
High waisted pantshigh waisted jeans camouflages the fat rolls on your back and on your stomach , makes you slimmer and you do not have to worry about seeing your back fat if you bend over.
Corrective underwearWith corrective underwear you can camouflage the back fat and ensure that clothing is beautiful again. It streamlines your body and removes fat cushions. There are different types of shapewear for sale, from body shapers to boxers and shirts. A corrective tank top is a good solution for back fat.
Right braA bra can also have a lot of influence on visible back fat. A bad sitting bra emphasizes the fat rolls, so it is important to buy bra that fits perfectly. Make sure that the bra is made of good support material, especially not too tight, and choose a model with wider straps. The strap on the back should be the same, or even slightly lower than your bust. With many women, it is too high on the back, which squeezes the wrong places and accentuates bulges.
Good postureA good posture makes you slimmer and stretches the back, so that he shows less fat. Belly in and back straight!

Is recommend you to get more helpful informations and knowledge. Please click at here.

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Useful tips for losing belly fat for good

Smart and healthy eating

vegetarian food First the good news: Because it is relatively easy to get a belly, it is also relatively easy to get rid of it.

The first step is definitely your diet. When you eat a lot of processed foods rich in sugars, it is impossible to get tight stomach muscles. Too much belly fat is primarily the result of a number of unhealthy habits around eating and drinking. That is why you will first have to lose weight, fortunately that is not as difficult as you think.

That said, most diets are made to lose weight by reducing caloric intake or burning more calories. This results in weight loss due to a reduction of fluid in your body. Because of this you have lost weight, but you do not have less belly fat. To counter this, it is obviously important to eat fewer calories, but also the right amount and sources that increase your metabolism.

In my view, a successful diet has the following in house:

  • You do not weigh or pay too much attention to portions
  • You do not count calories and use extensive schedules
  • You will not be hungry all the time
  • You will not be tired by limiting calories

The truth is that we are all busy and do not have the time to go on a strict diet. Diets where you have to note and measure too much simply does not fit in a busy lifestyle. It does not matter how good a diet is, if you do not follow the advice it has no value.

My own guideline is very simple: To eat what is good for me and to leave what is bad for me. Therefore, do not work with extensive recipes, but with a list of healthy foods. You will then receive sufficient micro and macronutrients and you will generally feel much healthier. There is nothing to measure when you have a healthy diet!

Below I have prepared an example schedule for you.

Regularity for stable blood sugar levels

A fluctuating blood sugar level almost guarantees the wrong food choices. This may result from skipping your breakfast, or because you did not eat for too long. It is therefore important to proactively eat healthy so that you get more energy, this results in more sense to do exercises resulting in less belly fat. A slimming diet for many people is not the solution!

You get 8 hours of sleep

You would not think so at first, but adequate sleep is an essential step not only to lose weight, but also to lose excess belly fat. When you work a long time or are long on, then the chance is much better to work on an unhealthy snack like a bag of chips.

In addition, if you do not get enough sleep, you feel tired and your body produces more ghrelin, which increases the urge for sugars. This in turn influences your cortisol level (stress hormone), making you even more sensitive to sugars, a vicious circle that you can break through to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Possibly set an alarm clock when it is bedtime!

Sugar is your enemy

refined sugarUnderful consumption of sugars is stored in fat and will be transported to the belly. Losing a belly or even tight stomach muscles is largely dependent on your diet. When your fat percentage is above 10% you will not have any visible abdominal muscles.

However, if you only want to lose belly fat, that is not necessary at all. Therefore, be clear what your goal is and do not forget that sugar is your number 1 enemy. These refined sugars are mainly found in practically all processed foods in the supermarket.

Cardio and strength training for maximum results

moving on the beachIt does not make sense to do thousands of sit-ups. Of course, these exercises certainly contribute to the development of abdominal muscles. But when there is a layer of fat you will not have any visible abdominal muscles. In addition, you will also have to increase the intensity. I always did a lot of abdominal exercises, but over time it became too easy. That is why it is better to do less often, but heavier if you want to have visible abdominal muscles.

My favorite exercise is the so-called '' plank '' (see video below). Also doing cardio a couple of times a week is great for less belly fat. The intention is that your heart rate goes up so you burn fat which will eventually result in less belly fat.

It is possible!

It is absolutely possible to lose belly fat. By focusing more on an overall healthy lifestyle, a side effect is a flat stomach. Do you also want visible abdominal muscles? Combine a healthy diet with sufficient cardio and the right abdominal exercises. Do not forget that a flat stomach is not only attractive

Is recommend you to get more helpful informations and knowledge. Please click at here.

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5 Tips for losing and burning belly fat

How many of us are actually satisfied with what your belly looks like? Not much I think. Who does not want a nicer or tighter stomach? A tight belly with visible abdominal muscles has always been an icon of good health and attractive body.

Every year there are countless new diets on the market and the truth is that only 1 in 100 are successful in permanently losing the excess pounds. In addition, you certainly also have all kinds of devices and methods that promise abs.

The goal of losing belly fat is certainly an excellent goal, especially because a reduction in abdominal fat guarantees a better health. In this article I want to give you some steps to get rid of excess fat around the belly.


For years it was thought that tight abs is only reserved for people with good genes or people who spend hours in the gym. I myself know how long it took to get visible abdominal muscles. I was always fit, but I did not seem to get any visible abdominal muscles. I did hundreds of sit-ups a day and paid close attention to my diet, but still no visible abdominal muscles.

Fortunately, it does not have to be that way and with a few new proven techniques you can quickly burn your belly fat and even develop visible abdominal muscles. It is more than just a calorie-restricted diet, a low-fat diet or thousands of sit-ups. But before I give you some tips to take the right steps today, first I want to talk about the risks of too much belly fat.

The danger of belly fat

too much belly fatIf I look at the literature and indicators for disorders, excessive abdominal fat is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. That is why you can say that the circumference of your stomach is a big indicator of your overall health. If the circumference is out of proportion, that means. that you run an increased risk of a variety of conditions.

A marginal note I want to make is that even thin people can have too much belly fat. Excess fat can also be deep in the abdomen, making it initially invisible. When do you have too much belly fat, simply when your figure looks like a pear shape.

The big problem here is that the fat in the abdomen can be converted much faster into fatty acids, which then ends up in the liver and muscles. When these fatty acids end up in the liver an interaction arises in which the production of LDL cholesterol (bad) is increased and the so-called triglycerides increase.

It then becomes more difficult for your body to control blood sugar levels, which can eventually lead to insulin resistance. This can eventually lead to various disorders and that is also called a metabolic syndrome (you have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and increased risk of cardiovascular disease).

Finally, there are studies that belly fat can also cause libido problems, or even erectile dysfunction! Losing excess belly fat not only increases your attractiveness, but more importantly, it improves your health!

Man versus woman

It is a fact that men store fat more easily around the stomach than women. This process takes place at a young age and is visible in practice through the so-called typical beer belly. This can also be one of the reasons why cardiovascular disease generally occurs more often in men than women and that women generally age a few years. With a woman the excess fats are stored around the seat and the thighs.

These places are not directly linked to serious long-term disorders. However, after the menopause, it appears that fat is also stored in the abdomen for women. In short, too much belly fat is a serious indicator that you run an increased risk of various complaints. But what can you do?

Is recommend you to get more helpful informations and knowledge. Please click at here.


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